Monday, August 31, 2009

Judging books by their covers

Girl holding an old book

From early childhood they warn you not to judge books by their covers. This can mean a number of things--that situations aren't always what they seem, that ugly people can have beautiful personalities, or even just that dusty, unattractive books can be really interesting.

But I don't like the phrase because it ignores the women's intuition. The women's intuition relies on snap judgments. It's is how you can tell if the guy eyeing you across the bar is a total sleazebag, even if he doesn't say a word. It's that feeling in the pit of your stomach that stabs you when you've made a wrong decision even if every piece of logic is pointing you in that direction.

It's how we stay out of trouble and also how we succeed. I'd be willing to bet that no successful woman in the world didn't at one point say, "fuck it" and do exactly what she wanted to do, even if she wasn't entirely sure why she was doing it.

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