Thursday, October 8, 2009

Not bringing Zombies back

"Survival of the Dead" Midnight Madness Screening - 2009 Toronto International Film Festival

My boyfriend and I were at the bookstore the other night, practically drowning in "Twilight" paraphernalia. All "Twilight" magazines, calendars, lunch boxes--I even heard they came out with a "Twilight" vibrator, which is so, so very disturbing.

Since "Twilight" went from tween book to American obsession, other vampire series on TV and in bookstores have emerged, hoping to mooch off of Pattinson's sloppy seconds.

If you're not a 13-year-old girl, and the idea of running your hand through Edward Cullen's greasy hair grosses you out, you're probably as over vampires as I am ("True Blood" excluded, of course).

First it was pirates (I still fantasize about Johnny Depp's braided chin hair), now it's vampires, so what's next? My boyfriend says it's zombies.

No, no, no, no, NO! Pirates and vampires, though overplayed, are sexy. Why? They're independent, rebellious outlaws. They have style and they have spunk.

Zombies have none of this. They're...zombies, the idea being they can't think for themselves and their entire vocal range is limited one note, and usually reduced to a vocabulary of 6 or 7 words.

Zombies, I boycott you. So what's next? Thoughts?

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